The National Family Day event is renewed on Sunday 8 October at the Historical Museum of the Fire Brigade and the Italian Red Cross

The National Family Day event at the museum is renewed on Sunday 8 October 2023 . For the occasion, inside the museum, which represents a historical testimony of notable impact for the diffusion of civic commitment on safety and health issues, a rich collection of accident prevention signs will be displayed to make it more inclusive and a place of education prevention and safety in the workplace and living spaces.
Families in museums is the most important cultural event in Italy dedicated to children, which promotes and facilitates meetings between families and the many exhibition venues.
The event will see the participation of our Museum which, with fire and accident prevention signs, will be even more of a more inclusive museum.
The visit to the Museum lasts approximately 1 hour and includes, in addition to the visit to the Museum (without a guide), also the possibility of dressing up as firefighters and entertaining oneself in the two (or three) play areas when there are at least 20 visitors who will be able to play the games of the past ) and the one with firefighter-themed inflatable games (the Grisu castle, the fire station, climbing, the caterpillar, Hula Hoop, etc.).
At the end of the visit, the children will be presented with a hard card that they can cut out at home with their parents to make the Fire Brigade ladder truck.
Only for Sunday the cost of the entrance ticket will be reduced:
Adults: 8 euros
Children from 2 to 12 years: 5 euros
Disabled people: free
The Museum will observe the following opening hours: from 09.00 to 12.30 and from 16.30 to 19.00. To access it is necessary to book at the following number 0884541995 or 3400852706 specifying the number of visitors and age range.
Domenica 8 ottobre si rinnova l’appuntamento della giornata nazionale delle famiglie al Museo Storico dei Pompieri e della Croce Rossa Italiana
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