The Gargano Green Camp 2023 stops at the Museum of Firefighters and the Italian Red Cross in Manfredonia

After hosting the "Guida Sicura" event on Sunday 26 March, a project aimed at preventing road accidents, with the aim of spreading responsibility when driving means of transport, the historical museum of Firefighters and the Italian Red Cross of Manfredonia, had the pleasure and honor of hosting a stage of the "Gargano CRI Green Camp 2023", designed by the Italian Red Cross - Committee of Manfredonia.

During yesterday afternoon, 30 young people between the ages of 14 and 17 were the protagonists of a rich program of ludic-cultural activities in the name of sustainability and "green", that is entirely dedicated to the enhancement and awareness of environmental issues, sustainability and also road safety, a focal issue for our Capitanata, where the highest number of accidents occurred in the region in this first half of the year is recorded.

Monday's event was characterized by the important participation of the Italian Red Cross Committee of Manfredonia owner of the project, by P.A.S.E.R., the Carabinieri Association and the local Police of Manfredonia who demonstrated their great efficiency in dealing with an intervention for a road accident in front of the interested gaze of all the Green Camp kids who had recently visited the museum and played, guided by the good and expert Gloria Pivotto.

Important was the participation in the mini-course on prevention and firefighting held by the expert Umberto Brigida of Euroambiente and the one on first aid, expertly held by the Italian Red Cross Committee of Manfredonia.

For us at the museum, the partnership undertaken with the Italian Red Cross Committee of Manfredonia was a source of great pride and a tangible sign of the important work that we at the museum, together with Euroambiente, are carrying out in the field of risk prevention in living and working environments.

Il Gargano Green Camp 2023 fa tappa al Museo dei Pompieri e della Croce Rossa Italiana di Manfredonia
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